09 Maret 2012

Update 21 : Sagacious

Keisengan memabawa saya ke sebuah website yang menyediakan layanan identifikasi personality seseorang serta mengasosiasikannya dengan karakter dalam sebuah medieval civilization.


Setelah menjawab serangkaian pertanyaan 'ya atau tidak', hasilnya kurang lebih memang sesuai dengan ekspektasi saya:

The Sage Personality

The Sage is the cardinal expression Role. The key to this personality is communication, which Sages do exceptionally well, mainly through words but also through performance. They are the storytellers of the tribe, with a built-in flair for drama and comedy and the ability to use words with wit, style and originality. Loving the limelight, they come alive in front of an audience and are often good raconteurs who regale their friends and anybody else in earshot with jokes and anecdotes and can keep a dinner party entertained for the whole evening. They believe, along with the Sage dramatist Shakespeare, that ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’ – with themselves in the starring role.

The paradox of this Role is that it has two quite different though related facets or modes of expression: wit and wisdom. Humour is a Sage’s lifeblood. Everything that happens to them, however unlikely or unpromising, can be turned into a joke or amusing story. They are great improvisers who can invent new jokes or embellish old ones on the spot and never fluff the punchline. However, they also have a more serious, philosophical side. ‘Sage’ literally means ‘wise one’, as in ‘sagacious’, which the dictionary defines as ‘mentally penetrating, gifted with discernment, having practical wisdom’. So Sages can have gravitas, particularly at the relationship or philosophical Perspectives, and may turn their excellent minds to writing, teaching and exploring the human condition. They value knowledge not for its own sake but as a means to wisdom. Most would agree with the biblical proverb that ‘The price of wisdom is above rubies.’

There is an integral connection between these apparent opposites, which come together when Sages are operating from their positive pole: communication. Everybody communicates, but for Sages it is their speciality and one which they can develop to the highest degree. Whether telling a story, declaiming from a soapbox, acting on stage, making an after-dinner speech, teaching a class, selling a used car or defending a client in court, they have the gift of the gab. It is not just about talking but sharing and disseminating their wit and wisdom, getting from ‘me’ to ‘we’. They delight in charming, swaying and enlightening their audience, winning their love and applause.

Hanya saja, dalam hal humor mungkin saya lebih ke penikmat daripada pencipta lelucon. *sigh*

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