19 Agustus 2013

Update 25 : Addiction ?

"It's like you're in a whole different world from everyone else. The only other people that can see the world you do are people with the same problems, same issues. In the beginning it's fine. You can go in and out of these worlds as you please. The thing is, the longer you stay in this world, the more likely you are to be imprisoned."

Ada benernya juga sih. Lama kelamaan juga enggak bakalan jelas apa yang didefinisikan sebagai 'problem' jika dilakukan berkali-kali. Awal mulanya dihiraukan separuh hati, lalu kemudian kompromi, kompromi, dan kompromi.

Kembali lagi ke rumus "(Hampir) segalanya haruslah seimbang", barangkali tidak semua hal memiliki keburukan 100% kan ? Manfaat hampir bisa ditemukan pada (hampir) semua hal yang kita lakukan. Ya tinggal seberapa besar manfaatnya dibandingkan mudaratnya bagi diri sendiri maupun kepada orang lain.

Terlalu suka begadang nonton bola ? Silahkan. Suka makan yang pedesnya gak masuk akal ? Boleh aja. Suka main game berjam-jam ? Wah ya ayo aku ikutan.

Yang jelas sih jangan sampai memaksakan dan mempromosikan 'dunia'mu ke orang lain secara berlebihan, Biarkan saja jika memang tertarik dan cocok dengan 'dunia'mu, nantinya mereka akan gabung kok.
Selera tiap orang pasti beda-beda kan ?

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21 Januari 2013

Update 24 : Pair-a-Dimes

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." -Kenneth Olsen, President and Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, in 1977

"We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out." -Decca Records rejecting The Beatles, in 1962.

What do these two list of statements have in common ? First, they are all perceptions about the way things are. Second, they are all inaccurate or incomplete, even though the people who said them are convinced they're true.

Another word for perceptions is paradigms. A paradigm is the way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief. As you may have noticed, our paradigms are often way off the mark, and, as a result, they create limitations.

Paradigms are like glasses. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it's like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. That lens affects how you see everything else. As a result, what you see is what you get. If you believe you're dumb, that very belief will make you dumb. If you believe someone else is dumb, you'll look for evidence to support your belief, find it, and he/she will remain dumb in your eyes.

Paradigms and Principles, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey.

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