26 Desember 2011

Update 19 : Nothing to see here, move along

*SPOILER* Tidak ada guyonan yang terkandung dalam posting kali ini.

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Handphone N70-ME telah purna tugas. (2007-2011)

Memindahkan database berupa text-based Quotes, Notes, Messages dari memori card N70-ME ke media lain yang memiliki aksesbilitas terjamin dalam jangka panjang.

1) Menjaga memori agar dapat terus diakses di masa yang akan datang (Personal Log).
2) Menjaga kelangsungan hidup dari Mars' GO! Blog.

Konten memori menjadi bersifat publik.

Ga perlu dipeduliin.

Secara tidak langsung melanjutkan edisi 'Update 14 : Quotes of My Life' mengenai segala memori yang terekam di akun Facebook pribadi.


"Up ahead we'll talk about the many ways in which you and your dog are different. Read on and you'll see what I mean !"

"If who I am is what I have and what I have is lost, then who am I ? -Anonymous"

"The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort-he never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature. -Arnold Bennett"

"Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force. -Elaine Maxwell"

"(R)eligion (E)ducation (S)ucceding (P)roductive (E)xpercise (C)aring (T)ruthful"

"Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. -C.S. Lewis"

"Life's most urgent question is: What are you doing for others ? -Martin Luther King Jr."

"We see them come. We see them go. Some are fast. And some are slow. Not one of them is like another. Don't ask us why. Go ask your mother."

"Kuasa manusia untuk memilih memungkinkannya untuk berpikir seperti malaikat atau iblis, raja atau budak. Apapun yang dipilihnya, akan diciptakan serta diwujudkan oleh pikirannya. -Frederick Bailes"

"Sukses itu guru yang payah. Ia membius orang-orang cerdas sehingga menganggap diri mereka tidak mungkin kalah. -Bill Gates"

"Beware the fury of a patient man. -John Dryden"

"Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. -Carl Gustav Jung"

"My day ends with the sunrise. Things have changed for me, and that's okay."

"Mars Gradivus Albiorix"

"Ti voglio bene (Italy). Sukiyo, suki desu (Japan), qaparHa' (Klingon), Eu gosto de ti (Portugese)"

"L.O.V.E = Larky-Obsessional-Valuable Emotion"

"Saya tahu, saya banyak salah dan saya merasa bersalah kalau salah saya itu tidak disalahkan orang lain."

"Everyone are extraordinary, along with their own specialty"

"Eat, Pray & Runaway: Film yang bercerita tentang orang yang makan di restoran mewah, berdo'a agar uangnya cukup, tapi ternyata ga bawa dompet. Jadinya malah kabur."

"Manusia memang tidak pernah kehabisan daftar keluhan."

"Nulla e reale, tutto e lecito. Requiescat in pace. (Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Rest in peace)"

"Laa shay'a waquin moutlag, bale kouloun moumkine. (Nothing is true, everything is permitted)"

"Give it a go, give it a try."

"Today is your day. Otanjoubi omodetou Gozaimasu."

"Molto bene, Architetto, Cazzo, Merda.. See ? I do speak italian because of Ezio Auditore.."

"Dan disinilah kami, duduk sunyi di dalam dunia kami, dengan ratusan macam pikiran pada masing-masing kepala kami, menyusun argumen keras yang nantinya terlontar dari mulut kami, sekedar membuktikan jika ini jalan yang terbaik bagi kami."

"Mengendalikan pikiranmu = mengendalikan kehidupanmu."

"What are you ? Robot, or Alien ?"

"Just bad joke. Menyesallah telah membacanya."

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