04 Juni 2010

Update 14 : Quotes of My Life

Di update kali ini gue akan merilis berbagai quotes yang gue ciptakan maupun yang gue comot dari orang lain. Quote-quote ini adalah yang telah ditampilkan di Facebook Account gue selama SMA, dan beberapa adalah hasil ‘komunikasi-gaul-antar-teman-SMA’.

Here goes :

“ I’m a nice person for somebody, and a jerk for somebody else. Perception always takes a major part. ”

“ Bisa melunasin hutang itu rasanya nikmatt bangett . . “

“ Makanlah ketika kau lapar, Minumlah ketika kau haus, Tidurlah ketika kau mengantuk, dan jangan pernah lelah untuk terus bernafas. “

“ Pepatah bijak mengatakan ‘Tumbuhlah dengan baik dan benar’. Tampaknya gue tumbuh dengan baik, tapi tidak benar. “

“ BERSATU PAK ! ! ~ Together Sir ! ! “

“ Gue ingin punya pelat nomor kendaraan W 1000 AN, biar dibaca ‘Wee, seribuaann’. “

“ Hajime~ hajime~ makibao~ “

“ Teori Alfian I. Bidang : Psikologi. Menyatakan : ‘Kalau melihat orang menguap, >75% kita juga ingin menguap, pada saat itu juga.’ “

“ Teori Alfian II. Bidang Psikologi. Menyatakan : ‘Makanan yang dibelikan orang lain akan terasa 5x lebih nikmat.’ “

“ No one ever know about their destiny. “

“ For me life is so simple that it can be concluded as one word : Choice. I dare say that whatever you do, anything you do, is the result of you choice. “

“ Indonesia : We can build something, but we can’t maintain it. “

“ Take a sleep means push the fast-forward button until we wake up in the next morning. “

“ Sunrise, Sunset, Sendal. “

“ The Japanese people sweat because of their hard work. The Indonesian people sweat when they eat with sambals. “

“ Die Hard = Susah Mati ?? ; Iron Man = Tukang Setrika ?? “

“ What I adore most : Knowledge and Wisdom. “

“ Once in every week, lets us scream : ‘Shit, is it monday already ?!’ “

“ To live is to learn. “

“ Most of us will never do great things. But we can do small things in a great way. “

“ Tomorrow : Worldwide Goats And Cows Massacre Day. May they have a good sleep tonight. “

“ Gue membaca kalimat ‘Tendangan Kaki Berputar’ di LKS Olahraga, dan berusaha membayangkan. Gagal. “

“ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn. “

“ When life gives you lemons . . go buy lemonade and use the fruit for something sweeter and yummier. “

“ Funny is when you do something on unusual way. “

“ Siang ini, diperkirakan jumlah populasi kambing dan sapi diseluruh dunia akan merosot secara signifikan. Menteri Peternakan Indonesia berencana untuk membangun suaka marga bagi para spesies malang tersebut. “

“ L.O.V.E = Larky – Obsessional – Valuable Emotion. “

“ Keep your friend close, but your enemy closer. “

“ All I want to do, is have some fun. “

“ Akan selalu ada yang tak suka padamu, tapi mereka tak berharga untuk dipedulikan. “

“ Beware the fury of a patient man. “

“ There is something incredible waiting to be known . . mars-on-somewhere. “

“ I’m telling you this because you don’t get it. You think you get it, which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it ? “

“ My day ends with the sunrise. “

“ Things have changed for me, and that’s okay. “

“ If who I am is what I have and what I have is lost, then who am I ? “

“ If practice makes perfect and nobody perfect, then why practice ? “

“ Gomibako !! “ ( Bahasa Jepang )

“ One pill One shot. “

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